Monday, May 07, 2007

University life

Here is a taste of life from Erin from University :

"On the walk back from the City Centre to Campus, we went past the an accomodation block, and Eli pointed to a tree outside one of the flats and said "look at those knickers, theyve been there for ages", I looked at them having not noticed them before, hanging on a tree, even though i walk past it almost every day... and found they were MY knickers!!!! just that morning I'd noticed that they weren't in my room, and somehow they've ended up on a tree!"!! My only guess is thatI must have left them in the laundrette and someone decided to hang them on a tree. I wanted to go retreive them as I've only worn them once and they're new(obviously I'd wash them first) but Mike "(boyfriend)" forbade me. We have started a faceboook group to try and find the culprit!! "

Since then the knickers have been taken down or fallen down as they were on the floor this morning


Mr K said...

That is extremely odd......

oreneta said...

So did you get them back in the end?

Anonymous said...

nope. and its rained today so im not sure i want them back...

Helen said...

Throwing your hat over the windmill I've heard of, but not your knickers into a tree...the mind boggles a bit

oreneta said...

Here's a question that has been nagging at come Mike wouldn't let you take your underwear down wash it and use it, but will take your picture standing next to it?????

Just wondering ;-)

Alice said...

Marvelous! The joys of mysterious washing disappearances has been solved! Look to the trees... they are littered with all the socks you ever lost the pairs to!

Shame about the knickers really... they were's a great shame. :o)

Anonymous said...

mike didnt take the picture or come with us to take them! theyve been rained on a lot now so im still gonna leave them.

they have been replaced on the tree by the way, as of yesterday. i dont know who did and whether it was the same person who took them. i wonder how long theyll stay there...

Adrian Jones said...

The joys of the student launderette - it used to bug me when I'd come back and someone would have taken all my clothes (knickers included) out of the machine, still wet and leave them on the side so they could use it...however that pales into insignificance beside having my pants thrown on the tree!!