To France and beautiful sunny weather, but with some cold wind and nights. We saw a cornucopia of birds on Sue's terrace, including: Robin, Sparrow, Blackbird, (hmm, no one impressed yet)Great Tit, Blue Tit, Chaffinch,(still no excitement) Serin, Brambling, GoldCrest, Hawfinch, Siskin and Long Tailed Tit (good finish eh?)
One or two pictures below.
First a Great Tit and two Goldcrests (in the original file size it is more impressive)
Here is the classic coffee stop, note snowdrops in the background.
I forgot to mention the yellow and black salamanders. The head is at the bottom of this picture.
Then we noticed on the bus back to the airport the English translation was machine driven. Say in your head in a French accent "Place de la Resistance" and then repeat the same words but with English pronunciations of "Place" and Resistance". Made us giggle.
I'll let my wife tell you about the joy of Lyons airport in another post.
Finally two girls in the mountains;
I'd have been impressed if you had seen a Right Tit.
I too have seen the salamanders but they are hard to take a photo of I found.
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