Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Fevered imagination

At the moment I have a cough. It's not so bad really but it is keeping me awake at night and it is in the middle of the night that any sense of proportion departs. The other night I must have had a temperature because one minute I was freezing and then the next I was boiling. At the same time any chance of dozing off was remote because I kept coughing. So in the small hours of the morning my imagination got the better of me and I decided that I must have malaria. A laboratory on the same floor as the library is working on malarial mosquitos and I decided that one of them must have escaped the biocontainment and bitten me. There could be no other explanation. Eventually, with the help of olbas oil I went to sleep and in the morning I realised what a silly moo I had been. Strange how different things can seem in the middle of the night


Helen said...

The kids had brain tumours, whooping cough, wasting diseases and all sorts in the middle of the night. In the da of course they had colds, or possibly and ear infection. It is odd how you think you are being rational at 3am, but are really thinking twaddle.

oreneta said...

I so completely agree...what is it about that rational part of our mind that just doesn't quite wake up in the wee smalls....