Sunday, September 07, 2008

Birthdays etc

Inspired by Alice I will put on some piccies of the succession of birthdays we have in July/Aug.
Here is Carl and his mum Lynne - just to prove to Matt and Sue that he does exist and isn't Kate's imaginary friend. As you can see I managed to have my birthday on the one hot day in July and August and we needed the umbrella for shade!! Incredible as it may seem having had nothing but rain and clouds for the last month.

Here are Nicky and I enjoying our personal passions in self indulgence!

Moving on to Kate's birthday lunch here are Lynne, Adam and Kate - not the barbeque this time, instead a Mexican feast indoors.

And here are Adam, Kate and Nic

Here is Kate being a bridesmaid for her friend's wedding, with Carl

Here is Nic being a bridesmaid - also a sunny day this summer. These were seriously lucky brides!

I can't find the picture of Nic's birthday so it must still be in the camera.

Brian and I were glued to the radio last night listening to the programme with Points of Decision in it. I know we have the cd but it was still very exciting to hear it actually on the Radio!!! And Brian talking on the radio too.


Kate said...

I bet it was exciting!! When was it on - can I listen again on the iplayer?


Helen said...

Yes, you can listen again till Saturday - it really was exciting. Having the announcer talking about the composer brian Noyes, and then hearing him talking ON THE RADIO!!!
We bounced.