Friday, November 09, 2007

Ooops, I done it again. (Changed the blog template that is)

So exciting as it is a 3 day weekend - we're going Christmas shopping on Monday. Woo. Todays news at one o'clock was essentially "There has been no serious flooding", with lots of pictures of waves and inches of water on some roads. A reporter was on Lowestoft beach saying the sea was rough as very small waves simpered behind him. Good news really, just the journalists don't understand how not to be dramatic.



Anonymous said...

Gosh you're organised, Christmas shopping in early November! I leave it till at least the 23rd December. The crowds, the fed up sales assistants, the seasonal music,the sense of panic,all those happy people who have just left their ofice parties getting in the way. Do you realise just what you are missing?

oreneta said...

I like the new template again, keeps us on our toes! You cannot really be doing christmas shopping already can you? I will admit to thinking about Christmas presents but actually purchasing??

Helen said...

I - smug cow here - have done most of my Christmas shopping. Unlike anon (I can't remember who that is as I find pseudonyms so difficult to remember, sorry) I try to avoid Cardiff for the entire month of December if possible, so have only online and stocking shopping to do.

Anonymous said...

sorry anon was me, forgot to enter my name