Monday, October 15, 2007

Fame (nearly) at last

The adult choir I'm in were asked to sing some appropriate music (ie 1520) at the opening of the new church at the open air museum at St fagans yesterday. The museum pick up old buildings and reconstruct them on a large site and get them historically accurate so you can see how people lived and worked iin them. this church has been disused since 1850 and they have spent the last few years dismantling it and rebuilding it as it would have been in 1520. One of our choir works as a part time guide there and suggested us to sing as people were coming in etc. Fine, ok we thought. However it was all rather grander than we realised. We had 3 (yes 3) Archbishops - the Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop of Wales, and the Archbishop of Cardiff (who is the Catholic one) and tv cameras, etc etc! Luckily we were behind the rood screen and not very visible - if you can pull up the action shot we are just visible behind the guy singing the Salve Regina
I have no idea what we sounded like in the attached marquee where lots of people were sitting, but it went ok I think. None of our groupies ( ie partners of members) said ie was dire. They have done a stunning job on the rebuilding though


Adrian Jones said...

Oooo how exciting mum! Glad it went well :) xxxx

Boo and Trev said...

I have just edited that so the link works better. The chapel looks fantastic what an amazing thing to do. Your hoarsness on Sunday evening was worth it. I too had a BBC crew near me yesterday. They were filming a documentary about Darwin. Certainly made a change from the norm.

Boo and Trev said...

The BBC crew were at work by the way - outside my office, but not filming me!
I have also improved the link on the posting about Brian's website.

Helen said...

Thanks for the improvements on the links. It was a lovely afternoon

oreneta said...

I would quake in my booties if I had to sing before all those VIP's, glad it went well.