Here is the church of Saint Mary the Virgin.
Followed by the bride, groom, best man and bridesmaids just outside the church. No pictures inside as the camera declined to steady my hand or focus properly, I blame the technology.
Here is Bill and Piers.
Happy Hulls
The new family, well parents and new children if you like.
After the church, we all went to Fursdon House for the reception. Here is a view from the front of Fursdon house - before it rained!
Next we have a bunch of cousins
Helen conversing with Richard's sister and brother in-law (yes, Iforgot the names...)
Fran snapping
Pensive Jon, are they memories leaking out of his head? (On their way to a pensieve? Just had to get an HP reference somewhere....)
After the photographs, and there was the obligatory bossy photographer, we went into a marquee. Here is Jon watching his memories being transferred via a cup (Stop it!)
Jon doing his speech:
Not to be outdone, Niamh did a speech
Boo enraptured by the speech, Ann and Helen watching it on a portable TV
Andy and Moira talking at each other
The throwing of the Bouquet. I have a brief video, so we know who caught it.
And finally, the cake. Made by Fran, hereafter to be known as superwoman. Fabulous wedding, brilliantly organised, and lovely to see such a happy couple. And no embarrasing drunks! Well done everyone.
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