Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Bridesmaid diet: Weigh in, week 2

So far, so good! Pleased to say I've lost another 3lbs this week so that's 5lbs in total :)

Even having been out for dinner twice over the weekend, I managed to stay on the wagon and on the diet. Subsequently am ahead of schedule which is great but it really does illustrate how much not drinking helps which means I must really drink a lot usually, hmmm.....

Have also headed back to the gym and am aiming to do a 10km run sometime in 2007 (thanks for the tip Boo!) and weirdly I'm quite enjoying it...though there's plenty of time for that to wear off!!

Carl is getting on OK in Qatar, slightly bored if anything which certainly beats ducking mortars in Basra I suppose.

Love to all
Kate xxxxx

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